Friday, January 14, 2011

Time to Quit?

I admit it.  I wrote those words.  I get frustrated and emotional and discouraged.  I want to look and perform like a CrossFit poster child.  It's not going to happen.  I am so grateful for those of you that support me and call bs when you hear it.  That is why this blog exists.  I need people who are willing to be brutally honest and to challenge me.  However, that street goes both ways. I received these words in response to my frustration, from a person I love and admire.

"I am not trying to be insensitive to your frustration - I can relate all too well.  Give it up and you'll have regret, self-loathing and a fat butt.  Your choice. But quitting just is not an option"

These are awesome words of truth that I needed to hear.  They should be printed out and posted in the kitchen, or just memorized. By YOU and me!!

YOU is the person who wrote those words.  Or is it YOU?  I understand the struggle.  I live it everyday. I understand the pain, the frustration, the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness.  It's so much easier to blame the world around us. Let's be honest... there is only one responsible party.  It is YOU and I.

I know the excuses... they are the same ones we hear from alcoholics and addicts everyday.  "You don't understand my situation"; "That won't work for me because..."; "I need to do it my way".  Bullshit. The reality is that the rules apply to everyone.  The ones who succeed in treatment are those who are willing to say "OK, I admit my way is not working, and I will do whatever you tell me I need to do regardless if I like it or not". If 'your way' worked, you wouldn't be in this mess, would you??

Ingesting more calories than your body needs, more than you expend in exercise will result in weight gain.  Weight gain impacts every area of your life and the lives of your family members.  You may not realize it, may not acknowledge it, but it is reality whether or not you are willing to address the issue.

You say that Paleo food doesn't make you happy but from what I can see neither does eating crap and being fat.  You can say "quitting is not an option" to me, but not apply it to yourself.   YOU need to do this for yourself and your family and quit making excuses. It might not be fun, but it's worthwhile.  And you can succeed if you stick with it.

Find a plan.  Do the Paleo Solutions, the Whole Nine, Atkins, Weight Watchers... whatever will work for you.  Log your food so you know what you are eating. Use Fatsecret or livestrong or fitday.  Join the PCF challenge or find another.  Log it all.  Be honest and share it with people that can help you. Get accountable with someone.  YOU don't like accountability?  tough shit. You don't like being fat and unhappy. You're an adult.  It's time to 'man (or woman) up', admit you need some help and quit making excuses.

Food is something your body needs to function.  Food is not a mood, a social event, entertainment or a sedative.  It's fuel.  Use it as intended.  Suck it up, swallow it down and eat enough to not be hungry.  Plan times that you can use food in the above mentioned ways if it helps, but it can't be an everyday occurrence.

My body LOVES carbs and sugar and feels empty without them.  I can ingest an entire cow and still feel hollow inside although my skin is stretched to the limit.  My body is screaming for carbs and sugar.  It doesn't even know what to do with nutrient dense food.  I know logically I can't be hungry, yet I feel like I'm starving.  It's an illusion.  And let's be honest.  How much damage is a few days or weeks of hunger going to inflict?  I could probably fast for a month without needing hospitalization.  After a few weeks my body starts to figure it out and it adjusts. I do eat more often when eating clean, but I am eating what my body needs, not just filling it with over-processed sludge.

YOU can do this. I can do this. and you're right... quitting is not an option.  Suck it up, gather some friends and move forward!!

Jan. 13 - Fight Gone Bad 191.  Not as good as some past scores, but it is what it is.  Clean eating all day!

Today - 'Asses a Fire' - 400 ft lunge, Squats 60/50/30, KB Swings 1 pood (American) 30/20/10   14:04
Power clean 100#PR

Clean until tonight ... had pizza with my sweetie, but back on the band wagon tomorrow.  Body Fat down 1.5% since last week.  :)


  1. 1.5% Yeah!!!! That's awesome. Never give up, NEVER! So you have a bad day, make tomorrow better. Tomorrow doesn't go so well, still no excuse not to try again. You can do this, I can do this. We will do this! =)

  2. Hello???? Where are you lovely lady???? Haven't seen a post in a few days. I hope all is well. Miss you! Let's plan another lunch date when Heather gets back. Night Sky - you get can a spinach salad with chicken, bacon & hard boiled eggs. 100% Paleo! =)
