Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Ugly Truth

I share these only because I know how much hope I can derive from seeing someone else struggling to succeed. This is also a good reality check for myself as when I look in the mirror I don't see the weight loss and I'm easily discouraged.If anyone has suggestions on a better way to share photos, please let me know... I'm hopeless at the computer!

I don't know how I didn't realize it.  I knew I was gaining weight.. but figured it wasn't that much or that bad.  It's amazing the tricks the mind can play on you.  Then things started to happen that I just couldn't ignore.  I couldn't fit in a life jacket in Mexico, my arthritis was getting worse and stairs were hard, I wouldn't take my kids to the pool anymore.  Reality started to sink in and I felt hopeless.


  1. Never met the lady in those pictures! Only know the lady marathoner who kicks @$$ when she instructs @ CFWP!!

  2. Thanks Bill! You always make me smile! I'll be there at 11:30 tomorrow. You coming in??
