soo...all this healthy crap is a constant struggle for me. This blog is for me to be honest and accountable to myself and those few of you who might be interested or willing to help me toe the line. I find it all to easy to cheat and think no one will know. But of course I know and it kills my resolve. Then I hate myself and the reality is ... everyone else knows as well because my cheats inevitably end up on my hips for the whole world to view. I have some facebook friends that post everything they eat on face book. I realize all 200 of my friends don't care what I eat... and I"m NOT willing to be THAT open about my weaknesses. Anyway... prob no one but me will read this... which is just fine. We all know it's all about me anyway! :)
Skipped the workout and cheated terribly on food today... so I won't give the gory details. Very PMS and spen the morning swearing off CF forever. Almost 2 years of this and I can't do a stinkin push up or pull up!!! It was worth 2 hours of crying. But I guess I'm over it now. for the moment. LOL However, starting tomorrow I will share for all to see, comment and chastise me about.
We are always so much harder on ourselves than we are anyone else. #1 ~ you can do a pull up! I've seen you. =) #2 ~ I can't do an rx'ed push up either (or a pull up for that matter) but someday we WILL! It may be another year, but at least we try. You can do box jumps ~ I can't. =(
ReplyDeletePersonally I have to remember to stop comparing myself to other pcf ladies. It kills my motivation. I don't know if I'll ever be as fast or as strong or have their seemingly perfect bodies. I see them and think, yes, it's obvious that they wko. Look at me. I know that I wko but the average Joe has no clue how hard I work to look like I do. My muscles aren't obvious because their hidden by the fat I still carry. But then I look at my non pcf friends. Overweight, no exercise, poor health, in pain, etc etc. I can't give up! I want to be healthy. I want to be strong. I want to run and play with my kids and someday grandkids. I know you do too! So never give up. Everyday is a brand new day ~ Praise God & rejoice in the blessings He has given you. Love you!!
Oh Heather, you are always sooo encouraging and positive. That is why I need to hang out with you more often! :) You always brighten my day! Can't wait till Sunday! YAY!
ReplyDeleteOK, so I did pretty well eating the last few days. Went to a restaurant called The Caroline tonight and we were on a short time frame. I got soup ~ because it's fast. Both choices were non-paleo. =( It was clam chowder. It's amazing how quickly I was stuffed. I'm starting to not like that 'absolutely stuffed' feeling. When I eat paleo I get full and satisfied but not stuffed. I'll pay for that soup tomorrow morning when I step onto the scale. boo! sigh. I would have gotten steak but it was $30!!!! Oh well, tomorrow is another day.